# Database configuration

The ./config/database.js file is used to define database connections that will be used to store the application content.

🤓 Supported databases

The CLI installation guide details supported database and versions.

# Configuration structure

The ./config/database.js accepts 2 main configuration objects:

# connection configuration object

Parameter Description Type Default
client Database client to create the connection. sqlite or postgres or mysql. String -
connection Database connection information Object -
debug Show database exchanges and errors. Boolean false

Optional, only for SQLite
Use NULL as a default value Boolean true

Database pooling options Object -

How long knex will wait before throwing a timeout error when acquiring a connection (in ms) Integer 60000

# Connection parameters

The connection.connection object found in ./config/database.js is used to pass database connection information and accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Type
host Database host name. Default value: localhost. String
port Database port Integer
database Database name. String
user Username used to establish the connection String
password Password used to establish the connection String
timezone Set the default behavior for local time. Default value: utc Timezone options (opens new window) String
schema Set the default database schema. Used only for Postgres DB. String
ssl For SSL database connection.
Use an object to pass certificate files as strings.
Boolean or Object

# Database pooling options

The connection.pool object optionally found in ./config/database.js is used to pass Tarn.js (opens new window) database pooling options and accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default
min Minimum number of database connections to keepalive Integer 0
max Maximum number of database connections to keepalive Integer 10
acquireTimeoutMillis Time in ms before timing out a database connection attempt Integer -
createTimeoutMillis Time in ms before timing out a create query attempt Integer -
destroyTimeoutMillis Time in ms before timing out a destroy query attempt Integer -
idleTimeoutMillis Time in ms before free database connections are destroyed Integer -
reapIntervalMillis Time in ms to check for idle database connections to destroy Integer -
createRetryIntervalMillis Time in ms to idle before retrying failed create actions Integer -
afterCreate Callback function to execute custom logic when the pool acquires a new connection.

See the Knex.js documentation (opens new window) for more information
Function -

# settings configuration object

The settings object found in ./config/database.js is used to configure Strapi-specific database settings and accepts the following parameter:

Parameter Description Type Default
forceMigration Enable or disable the forced database migration. Boolean true

# Configuration examples

# Configuration in database

Configuration files are not multi-server friendly. To update configurations in production you can use a data store to get and set settings.

# Get settings

  • environment (string): Sets the environment you want to store the data in. By default it's current environment (can be an empty string if your configuration is environment agnostic).
  • type (string): Sets if your configuration is for an api, plugin or core. By default it's core.
  • name (string): You have to set the plugin or api name if type is api or plugin.
  • key (string, required): The name of the key you want to store.
// strapi.store(object).get(object);

// create reusable plugin store variable
const pluginStore = strapi.store({
  environment: strapi.config.environment,
  type: 'plugin',
  name: 'users-permissions',

await pluginStore.get({ key: 'grant' });

# Set settings

  • value (any, required): The value you want to store.
// strapi.store(object).set(object);

// create reusable plugin store variable
const pluginStore = strapi.store({
  environment: strapi.config.environment,
  type: 'plugin',
  name: 'users-permissions'

await pluginStore.set({
  key: 'grant',
  value: {

# Databases installation guides

Strapi gives you the option to choose the most appropriate database for your project. It currently supports PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL and MariaDB.

The following documentation covers how to install SQLite locally (for development purposes):


Installation guides for other databases (MySQL, MariaDB) are being reworked. Contributions (opens new window) are most welcome.